Στόν γιο μου Παύλο για να θυμάται
                  το ξεκίνημα της οικογένειας μας

Ξέρετε τον αδελφό μου τον Παρασκευά;

Στέλλα Λιντζέρη _Μελή   Μπρούκλιν Νέας Υόρκης (1990 )

Ο Παύλος ήταν περίπου δεκατριών χρονών αλλά ήταν μικρόσωμος και δεν φαινόταν μεγαλύτερος από έντεκα .Τα λυπημένα μάτια του όμως τον έδειχναν μεγαλύτερο ιδικά  τώρα τελευταία απ'όταν του είπε η μητέρα του ότι θα αφήσει  πίσω του τον μόνο κόσμο που ήξερε και θα ταξιδέψει στην Αμερική να βρει τον αδελφό του τον Παρασκευά.

Το αγόρι δεν το ένοιαζε η σκληρή δουλειά. Η ζωή ήταν ένας συνεχής αγώνας στο χωριό του τα Λεβέτσοβα  (Κροκεές / Κροκεαί )Λακωνίας. Παρ' όλα αυτά όμως ποτέ δεν πείνασε και πάντα ένιωθε σιγουριά ανάμεσα στους δικούς του ανθρώπους στην γειτονιά του τα "Χατζιάνικα" όπου μεγάλωνε. Η μητέρα του όμως ήξερε καλύτερα. Όλοι τριγύρω τους καλλιεργούσαν τη γή με τα ίδια εργαλεία και ζούσαν με τον ίδιο τρόπο ζωής όπως και οι παππούδες τους χιλιάδες χρόνια πίσω. Δεν είχε προκοπή για τους νέους στην γερασμένη γη. Ήταν η χρονιά του 1897.

Όταν ήρθε η ώρα, η μητέρα του τον φίλησε για τελευταία φορά. Τα δάκρυa της έτρεχαν μέσα στις ρυτίδες του ηλιοκαμένου πρόσωπού της. Είχε λίγη ελπίδα να τον ξαναδεί. Η ξενιτιά της είχε πάρει κιόλας το μεγαλύτερο της αγόρι. Ο θεός μαζί σου του είπε, και του έδωσε την τελευταία της συμβουλή. " Παύλο μου όταν φτάσεις στην Αμερική να μην ξεχάσεις να ρωτήσεις και να βρεις τον αδερφό σου τον Παρασκευά". Ο Παύλος κούνησε το κεφάλι του και πήδησε στην καρότσα που θα τον έφερνε μέχρι το λιμάνι στο Γύθειο. Ένας ακόμη μετανάστης είχε πάρει τον μακρύ δρόμο που θα τέλειωνε στην άλλη μεριά του Ατλαντικού στο 'Ελλις 'Αϊλαντ ( Νησί Ellis Island ) της Αμερικής.


Το καράβι έφτασε στο λιμάνι της Νέας Υόρκης έπειτα από σκληρό ταξίδι που κράτησε περίπου ένα μήνα και έριξε άγκυρα πλάι στα άλλα πλοία που κουβαλούσαν μετανάστες από άλλα μέρη της γης. Όλοι βγήκαν από το πλοίο κουβαλώντας τις φτωχικές αποσκευές τους και μπήκαν στη σειρά σε ένα μεγάλο τούβλινο κτίριο, σε μία μεγάλη αίθουσα ,ένα αληθινό ανθρώπινο πανδαιμόνιο. Ο Παύλος δεν είχε δει ποτέ του τόσο διαφορετικό κόσμο να μιλά τόσες διαφορετικές γλώσσες. Στην αρχή όλοι κλαίγανε. ¶λλοι από χαρά που είχαν ενωθεί με τους δικούς τους και άλλοι από απελπισία τριγύριζαν κλαίγοντας σαν χαμένα πρόβατα. Οι τελευταίοι είχαν πινακίδες κρεμασμένες στο λαιμό τους με αριθμούς και γράμματα. " Το "Ε" είναι για τρίχωμα το "Η" είναι για καρδιά" είπε κάποιος που ήξερε περισσότερα..." Πάνε αυτοί...πάνε πίσω..ο θεός να μας φυλάει".

Ο τρόμος του ήταν τόσο μεγάλος που πάνω απ'όλη την οχλαγωγία άκουγε τον χτύπο της καρδιάς του. Δεν ήθελε να γυρίσει πίσω ήθελε να βρει τον αδελφό του. Ο Παύλος έκατσε υπομονετικά στην γραμμή για ώρες ατέλειωτες, ώσπου ν΄ρθει η σειρά του. Τον έψαξαν παντού. Στα μάτια στο σώμα. Δεν ήξερε τι του έλεγαν. Όταν ο ιατρικός υπάλληλος τέλειωσε την εξέταση ο Παύλος θεώρησε ότι ήταν ώρα να κάνει την ερώτηση από την οποία κρεμότανε η ζωή του. " Ξέρετε που είναι ο αδερφός μου ο Παρασκευάς;"

Στις επόμενες ώρες το αγόρι επανέλαβε την ίδια ερώτηση πάρα πολλές φορές. Οι άνθρωποι που είχε γνωρίσει στο καράβι είχαν εξαφανιστεί. Μάζεψε τα πραγματάκια του γύρω του και έπεσε σε έναν από τους ξύλινους πάγκους στην μεγάλη αίθουσα. Το φως της ημέρας άρχισε να χάνεται και οι μεγάλες λάμπες του γκαζιού άναψαν στην μεγάλη αίθουσα. Ο Παύλος ολομόναχος κοίταζε τριγύρω του. Ο νους του πήγε στο σπίτι του. Μέχρι που είδε αυτή την αίθουσα νόμιζε πάντα ότι το σπίτι του ήταν πολύ μεγάλο. Μια μεγάλη κάμαρα χωρισμένη στα δύο με μιά καλαμωτή. Από την μιά μεριά έμενε η οικογένεια και απ'την άλλη έμεναν τα ζώα τους. Για μιά στιγμή όπως συλλογιόταν ένιωσε την ζεστασιά από τα χνώτα των ζώων να σμίγει με το άρωμα του βραδινού φαγητού που έβγαινε από το τσετζέρι στην άκρη της καμαρούλας και να έρχεται να τον χαϊδεύει στο πρόσωπο. Τυλίχτηκε γύρω από το στήθος του και κρύβοντας το προσωπό του μέσα στα χέρια του έκλαψε με αναφυλακτά για τον κόσμο που έχασε. Η φαντασία του τον ξανάφερε πάλι  πίσω στο χωριό. Πήγαινε λέει ξυπόλυτος στους "Μύλους" που είχαν το περιβόλι τους. Στα μισά του δρόμου μπήκε μέσα στην "Παναγίτσα"  για να ξεκουραστεί και να κάνει το σταυρό του. Μέσα στην εκκλησία κοίταζε το ασκιτικό πρόσωπο της Παναγίας και τα μεγάλα στρογγυλά μάτια της τον κοίταζαν πίσω με αγάπη. " Παναγία μου βοήθαμε" είπε  δυνατά και έκανε το σταυρό του.

Το πήρε ο ύπνος κατά τις πρωινές ώρες για να ξυπνήσει με τις πρώτες ηλιαχτίδες που μπήκαν στην αίθουσα από ένα στενό παράθυρο. Σηκώθηκε και κοίταξε τριγύρω του. Η αίθουσα ετοιμαζόταν πάλι για να δεχθεί  μια καινούργια φουρνιά μεταναστών. Αισθάνθηκε εγκλωβισμένος και αδύναμος. Έκατσε πάλι κάτω κρατώντας και σφίγγοντας το μηδαμινά  πραματάκια του........"Βρε παιδί μου, Γραικός είσαι;" άκουσε κάποιον δίπλα του. Στο άκουσμα τις μητρικής του γλώσσας ο Παύλος πετάχτηκε στον αέρα με την ψυχή στο στόμα... "Ξέρεις τον αδελφό μου τον Παρασκευά;" ρώτησε τον άγνωστο. Ο άγνωστος τον κοίταξε καλά καλά. "Βρε συ μήπως είσαι "Λιντζέρης" απ' τα Λεβέτσοβα;·· τον ρώτησε. Ο Παύλος μη μπορώντας πλέον να μιλήσει κούνησε το κεφάλι του. Βρεέ!.....που να πάρει ο λύκος, είπε γελώντας ο άγνωστος και συνέχισε... "Βρε! είμαστε απ'το ίδιο χωριό". 'Ήρθα εδώ για κάτι χαρτιά και με ρώτησαν εάν μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω με την γλώσσα. Έχω φύγει απ΄τα Λεβέτσοβα πριν τριάντα χρόνια αλλα….σε γνώρισα αμέσως γιατί είσαι φτυστός ο παππούς σου. Εγώ δεν μπόρεσα να πάω ποτέ πίσω στο χωρίο συνέχησε και άρχισε να διηγείται τις αναμνήσεις του. Δεν μου λές..."Δεν είναι οι συγγενείς σου εγκατεστημένοι στο Ρέντινγκ της Πενσυλβανίας;. Ναι! είπε ο Παύλος δυνατά. "Έιναι το "Ρέντι" μακριά απ'εδώ;" Ο ΄άνθρωπος γέλασε καλόκαρδα ...."Κάποιον έχεις εκεί ψιλά και σε προσέχει" είπε κοιτώντας προς τα πάνω. "Μη στενοχωριέσαι....θα'ρθεις μαζί μου. Έχω και γω συγγενείς στο Ρέντινγκ, θα τον βρούμε τον αδελφό σου τον Παρασκευά".



To my son Paul (Pavlos), so he may
               remember our family's roots.

Do you know my brother Paraskevas?
By Stella Lintzeris- Melis   Brooklyn New York (1990)

He was about thirteen but looking at his small frame body you would think he was much younger. His eyes
were full of sadness and made him look much older. This sadness came about a few weeks earlier when his mother told him that he was going to leave behind the only world he knew and travel to a new land, to find his older brother Paraskevas.

Pavlos did not mind hardships. Life was a continued struggle in his small Greek town of Levetsova ( Krokees / Krokeai -south of Sparta), and his neighborhood of "Hatzianika" where he was born. Even so, he always felt protected and never went hungry. But his mother knew better. They had been farming the land using the same means as their great-grandparents did going back perhaps thousand years. There was not much of a future in this tired land. The year was 1897.

When the time came for him to leave, his mother kissed him for the last time. The tears rolled down her weathered face. She had only a slim hope of seeing him again, and the foreign land had already claimed her older boy. "God be with you", she cried and gave him her last instructions. "My boy Pavlos, don't forget! When you reach America ask for your brother Paraskevas". The boy nodded wisely. One more immigrant had
started the long journey that was eventually to land him on Ellis Island.

He arrived in upper New York City Bay about one month latter. His ship anchored in the early dawn next to other immigrant carrying vessels. Pavlos hurried after the others into a large brick building and stood in line inside the great hall. It was a human pandemonium. This was the first time he saw so many people speaking different languages. At first, it was as if everybody was crying. People reunited with their relatives and cried of joy. Others were going around like lost sheep with a big sign hung around their necks. On the sign was their number and big letters like "E", "K" and "X". The boy did not know what the letters stood for, but he was told why they were crying. They had been rejected for some illness, and they had to go back. Pavlos felt small waves of panic going though his slim body. He did not want to go back. He wanted to reunite with his brother.

When his time came, the medical inspector poked roughly inside his eyes and all over his body. Pavlos thought this was the time and asked him politely. "Do you know my brother Paraskevas?" The inspector looked at him grimly and proceeded with his work. In the hours to come, the boy asked the same question time and time again. He moved around searching faces, tagging people's coats and always asking, "Do you know my brother Paraskevas?" The hours went by slowly. As the daylight faded away, he sat down on one of the wooden benches.

The Great Hall looked different when lit with gas lamps. Some family groups remained huddled together and he could hear them talking in a strange language. His mind traveled back to his home. Until he saw this great hall, he used to think his home was huge. Their one room home was divided in two by a temporary wall made of woven canes. One side was for the family and the other for their animals. For a moment, he felt the warmth of their breath mixing with the aroma of the family's dinner hanging in the pot at the end of the room. He covered his face with his hands and he cried for long while, for his lost world. His thoughts brought him again back to Levetsova. He was walking bare foot to their farm in "Mylous" and when halfway there, he went inside the little church of "Panagitsa" (Little church of Virgin Mary) to relax a little and to pray. The church had given him shelter from the rain and the sometimes-unbearable summer heat. Here he was starring at the ascetic mysterious large round eyes of Panagia (Virgin Mary) and felt that she was looking back at him with love. "Panagia mou help me" (Holy Mother help me) he said aloud and made the sign of the cross.
He fell asleep in the late morning hours. When he woke up, a pale light was spilling in through the narrow windows. A new day in a new land. He got up and looked around him. The place was getting ready for another human cargo. He felt trapped and helpless and sat down again clutching on to his meager possessions. "Hey boy!" he heard a jovial voice behind him. "They tell me you are Greek". Hearing the sound of his native language Pavlos jumped up. "Do you know my brother Paraskevas?", he squeaked. The man looked at him closely and...."I'll be damned," he said. "Boy are you from Levetsova?". Pavlos could not talk and nodded yes. "I'll be damned," the man said again. "I come from the same village," he explained. "I came here for business of my own and when they (customs personnel) learned I was Greek, they asked me to help you. I'm in this country close to thirty years and never went back, but when I saw you, I recognized you right away because you're the spitting image of your grandpa". He went on reminiscing about the good old days and suddenly he asked the boy. "Aren't your people settled in Reading Pennsylvania? Do they know you are here?" No Pavlos acknowledged. "Is Rendie (Reading) far from here? The man rolled his eyes. "Somebody up there must be looking after you" he said and laughed heartily. "Don't be afraid boy, I have people in Reading too. We'll find your brother Paraskevas!"

Οι πρώτοι Μετανάστες στην Αμερική
Κροκεές Λακωνίας ( Λεβέτσοβα)
The Εarly Immigrants
From Krokees ( Levetsova ), Laconia Hellas ( Greece)

Note: About this list
Last update January 2010

Click on Initial of Last Name  

Details about each name search in this list

1. George Agathakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 18
= the number in search list for this exact spelling of the last name
First name
Last name
Year of arrival
of the individual


A- AGATHAKOS - Αγαθάκος
1. George Agathakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 18
2. George Agathakos Levetsova 1910 18
1. Anast. Agatakos     Piree    1903  16

A_ AGRANIOTIS - Αγρανιώτης
Panagiotis Agraniotis Sparta 1902 26

A- ALEPOHORITIS - Αλεποχωρίτης
2. Ioannis Alepohoritis 1921 28
3. Panagiotis Alepohoritis Levetsova, Greece 1921 40

A_ ALEXAKIS - Αλεξάκης
13. Frosine Alexaki    Levetsova, Greece    1911  30 
16. Katina Alexaki    Hania, Greece    1920  15
18. Maria Alexaki    Hania, Greece    1920  38
25. Pericles Alexaki    Sparta    1900  6 

9. Andreas Alexakis Pire 1899 18
10. Andreas Alexakis Levetsovi, Greece 1912 30
2. Alex. Alexakis     Piree    1905  30
.....Christos Alexakis Levetsova, Greece 1920 36
20. Const Alexakis Piree 1900 50
.... Demetrios Alexakis Sparta 1902 11
39. Demit Alexakis Piree 1903 38
.... Dimitrios Alexakis Sparty, Greece 1907 19
47. Efstratios Alexakis Sparty 1907 37
48. Eftathion Alexakis Piree 1902 25
49. Elias Alexakis Sparta 1906 24
51. Elias Alexakis Piree 1903 38
......Etstratios Alexakis Levetsova, Greece 1916 42
59. George Alexakis Levetsova, Greece 1910 18
......George Alexakis Levetspva, Greece 1911 17
......Ioannis Alexakis Levetsova, Greece 1920 33
74. Ioannis Alexakis Sparty, Greece 1920 35
78. Jean Alexakis Piree 1902 17
..... Johannis Alexakis Svoleika, Greece 1915 37
......Lohannis Alexakis Levetsova, Greece 1915 32
111. Paraskevas Alexakis Levetsova, Greece 1911 9
......Spyros Alexakis Levatsovi, Greece 1915 25
......Vassilios Alexakis Levetsova, Greece 1920 6
......Yoanis Alexakis Piree 1900 11
128. Yoryos Alexakis Tiree 1902 15
129. Yoryos Alexakis Piree 1900 11
.......Odroas Alexacis Levetsova, Greece 1914 34
5. Spiros Alexacis Levetsova, Greece 1915 25

5. J... Alexakos    Piree    1903  18 
6. Jean Alexakos    Piree    1903  10 
8. Petros Alexakos    Levetsova, Greece    1909  46
1. Tassia Alexakou    Levetsova, Greece    1909  18  
9. Petros Alexakos    Piree    1903  27 
10. Stamatiki Alexakos    Piree    1903  25 
11. Stavros Alexakos    Sparti, Greece    1920  12

A_ ALIKAKOS - Αλικάκος
.....Aristides Alikakos Piree 1903 19

4. Georges Alikakos Piree 1903 38

A_ ANAGNOSTAKOS - Αναγνωστάκος
9. Christos Anagnostakos Sparti, Greece 1921 39
10. Christos Anagnostakos Asimi, Greece 1921 39
......Evagelia Anagnostakos Laconia, Greece 1920 15
......George Anagnostakos Levetsova, Greece 1912 18
41. Nicolaos Anagnostakos Sparty 1907 20
42. Nicolaos Anagnostakos Laconia, Greece 1920 65
48. Panay Anagnostakos Piree, Greece 1905 17
49. Panayotis Anagnostakos Piree 1899 15

......Georges Anagnostacos Sparta 1906 19
7. John Nik Anagnostacos Levetsovo, Greece 1920 39

A- ANDRIOPOULOS - Αντριόπουλος
19. Antonios Andriopoulos    Levetsoba, Greece    1911  18 


B- BABAKITIS - Βαμβακίτηs-Βαβακίτης ( also see Vamvakitis)
1. Dimitros Vavacitis Pire 1899 22
1. Georges Babakites Sparta 1900 17
1. Jean Babakitis Piree 1901 20
1. Demit Vabakitis Pirie 1903 27
2. Panag Babakiti Levetiova, Greece 1909 22
1. Christofili Babakiti Levetiova, Greece 1909 1
1. Panaghla Babakite DETAINED 1909

B- BARIAKTARIS - Βαριακτάρης
2. Stelios Bariaktaris 1921 27
1. Panajottes Variaktaris 1896 17

B- BENOLIAS - Βενολιάς
1. Nicol Benolias    Piree    1904  21 
2. Nicolas Benolias    Levetzova, Greece    1909  23 
3. Nicolaus Benolias    Piree, Greece    1905  18




C- CHELAS - Χελάς
......Efstratios Chelas or Mitrakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 27

C- CHIOTIS - Χιώτης
3. Andreas Chiotis Piree' 1902 17
15. Athanasios Chiotis Pireo, Greece 1907 30
5. V. Chiotes 1921 24

C- CHRISTAKOS - Χριστάκος
22. Constr Christakos Levetsova, Lacedemoine 1908 19
35. George Christakos Levetyava, Greece 1910 16
39. Georges Christakos Levetsova 1906 12
40. Georges Christakos Piree 1903 20
44. Georges D. Christakos Levetsora, Greece 1912 32
45. Georges N. Christakos Levetsora, Greece 1912 18
53. Leonidas Christakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 26
54. Louis Christakos Brooklyn NY 1924 13
55. Lycourgos Christakos Levetsova, Greece 1909 18
56. Michael Christakos Sevelsova, Greece 1914 24
57. Michael Christakos Levetsova, Lacedemoine 1908 19
64. Nicolas Christakos Levetsova, Lacedemoine 1908 10
74. Panajotis Christakos 1895 40
75. Panayotis Christakos Levetsova, Lacedemoine 1908 45

4. Antonios Christacos Levelzova, Greece 1914 19
5. Antonios Christacos Levetsova, Greece 1912 18
20. Elias Christacos Levetsova, Greece 1912 19
45. Nicolaos Christacos Levetsova, Laconia 1911 18

C- CHRISTOFILAKIS - Χριστοφηλάκης

......Banaghiotis Christofilakis Sevetsova 1902 11
21. Charilaos Christofilakis Levetsova, Greece 1911 35
23. Charilavs Christofilakis Levetsova 1905 30
25. Chrissalo Christofilevhi Levetsova, Greece
26. Christ Christofilakos Alewatsowa 1902 9
76. Dimosthenis Christofilakis Levetsova, Greece 1911 35
78. Eftimios Christofilakis Sevetsova, Greece 1908 32
86. George Christofilakis Levetsova, Greece 1920 33
93. George T. Christofilaus Levitsova 1903
106. Georgios Christofilis Levetsova, Greece 1915 46
107. Georgios Christofiluhis Greece, Levihovia 1915 42
124. John Christofilahis Levetrova, Greece 1912 16
130. Maria Christofilake Levetsova, Greece 1911 27
136. Nicholaos Christofilakis Levetsova, Greece 1911 15
137. Nicholas Christofiliakis Levetsova, Greece 1920 38
138. Nick Christofilakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 25
139. Nickolaos Christofilakis Levetsora, Greece 1914 29
148. Panagiota Christofilake Levetsova, Greece 1911 3
149. Panagiotio Christofilakis Sparta 1905 19
158. Panayotis Christofilakis Levetseva, Greece 1912 20
172. Spiros Christofilakis Levetsova 1907 17
173. Stairos Christofilakis Levetsora, Greece 1914 52
174. Stanro Christofilaki Levetsora, Greece 1914 48
175. Staviani Christofilaki Levetsora, Greece 1915 50
177. Stavros Christofilakis Levetsova Sparta 1906 31
181. Stylianos Christofilakis Levetsova 1905 11
182. Styllanos Christofilakis Levefsora, Greece 1910 18
183. Tantuleon Christofilahis Levetrova, Greece 1912 16
187. Theodores Christofilahis Levetsova, Greece 1912 14
194. Vissilios Christofilaki Levetsova, Lacedemoine 1908 27

C- CHRISTOFILAKOS - Χριστοφηλάκος

4. Christ Christofilakos    Alewatsowa    1902 
5. Demit Christofilakos    Piree    1912  30 
6. Nick Christofilakos    Levetsova, Greece    1910  25 
8. Savios Christofilakos    Piree    1899

C- CHRISTOPULOS - Χριστόπουλος
89. Constantinos Christopulos    Piree Greece    1901  24
107. Demit Christopulos    Piree    1904  32
135. Elias Christopulos    Piree    1902  18
144. Filipos Christopulos    Piree    1901  16
155. George Christopulos    Piree    1904  22 
156. George Christopulos    Piree    1902  28 
157. George Christopulos    Piree    1902  28
167. Georges Christopulos    Piree    1899  21 
168. Georges Christopulos    Piree    1902  22
188. Gregora Christopulos    Piree    1905  24
207. John Christopulos    Levetzova, Greece    1909  40 
302. Vass. Christopulos    Piree    1902  25


C- CLONIS - Κλώνης
( See Klonis)

C-CONTAKOS - Κοντάκος
(See Kontakos)

C - CONTOGIANNIS - Κοντογιάννης
( See Kontogiannis)

C- COURTIS - Κούρτης
(See Kourtis)



D- DEMIRAKOS - Δεμηράκος
(no record)

D- DIMAKAKOS - Δημακάκος
5. Georges Demakakos Levetsora, Greece 1912 26
1. Anastasios Dimakakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 37
2. Atrastasios Dimakakos Levetsove 1906 22
4. Dimakin Dimakakos Sevetsova, Greece 1908 33
5. Dimit. Dimakakos Piree 1902 11
7. George Dimakakos 1923 42
9. Nikolaos Dimakakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 15
2. Anastassi Dimacacos Sparta 1898 18
4. Georgios Dimacacos Sevetsova, Greece 1914 31
5. Giorgio Dimacacos Laconia, Greece 1907 22
1. George Demacakos    Levetsova, Greece    1910  30 
2. Vassilios Demacakos    Levetsova, Greece    1910  30



E- ECONOMAKOS - Οικονομάκος
6. Efstratios Economakos Levetsova, Sparta, Greece 1910 18
4. George Economacos Levetsova, Greece 1914 23
14. Vrassides Economacos Piree 1900 20

....Christos Economos Peree 1898 14
7. Const. Economos Peree 1900 18
8. Constantino Economos Piree' 1902 21



F - FARLEKAS - Φαρλέκας
4. Michel Farlekas Piree 1900 20



G- GAGARIS - Γκάγκαρης
1. Const. Gagaris Piree 1902 30
5. Theodoros Gagaris Lavetsova, Greece 1920 10

G- GEORGAKOPOULOS - Γεωργακόπουλος
        (No record found)

G - GEORGILAKOS - Γεωργιλάκος
2. Konst. Georgilakos Piree 1905 18
1. Constantinos Georgilacos Sparta 1905 18
2. Demetre Georgilacos Leretsona, Greece 1915 11
3. George Georgilacos Leretsona, Greece 1915 38
1. Stylianos Georgelakos Levetsova, Greece 1909 17

G - GEORGILAS - Γεωργιλάς
1. Andrea Georgilas Pirea, Greece 1907 20
15. John Georgilas Levetsova, Greece 1911 37
22. Panayiotis Georgilas Sitsova, Greece 1911 30

G - GEORGOULIS - Γεωργούλης
1. Amalia Georgoulis Levetsova, Greece 1914 35
7. Aristidis Georgoulis Levetsova, Greece 1923 49
8. Charalabos Georgoulis Levetsova, Greece 1911 19
9. Charalampos Georgoulis Levetsova, Greece 1907 15
21. Demetrios Georgoulis Assimi, Greece 1910 20
36. Georges Georgoulis Levegora 1893 17
46. John Georgoulis Assimi, Greece 1911 17
47. John Georgoulis Assimi, Greece 1911 22
50. Leonidas Georgoulis Assimi, Greece 1915 38
53. Lykourgos Georgoulis Asimi, Greece 1921 36
1. Petros Georgoules Assimi, Greece 1911 35
1. Licourgos Giorgoulis Piree 1902 18
1. Petros Georgoules    Assimi, Greece    1911  35

G- GIORGITSOS - Γιωργίτσος
1. Pan Giorgitsos Le Piree 1903 18

G - GIANNAKOS - Γιαννάκος
16. Marigo Giannakos Levetsova, Spartis 1910 20
9. Elepteria Gianakos Levetzova, Greece 1910 40
15. Mary Gianakos Levetzova, Greece 1910 30
17. Nicholaos Gianakos Greece, Levetsova 1912 10
8. Michail Gianacos Le Piree 1903 35
4. Aristide Gianakos    Piree    1905  18
5. Const. Gianakos    Peree    1900  10 
9. Elepteria Gianakos    Levetzova, Greece    1910  40 
10. George Gianakos    Erie, U.S.A.    1920  27  
20. Peralis Gianakos    Piree    1902  19 
16. Marigo Giannakos    Levetsova, Spartis    1910  20


G - GIANOPOULOS - Γιαννακόπουλος
35. Constantinos Gianopoulos Piree, Greece 1905 40

G- GORANITIS - Γορανίτης
....Andonios Goranitis Piree 1902 20
2. Apostolo Goranitis Levetsovo, Greece 1914 31
3. Apostolo Goranitis Piree 1901 17
4. Apostolos Goranitis Levetzova, Greece 1909 29
....Demetrios Goranitis Levetsovo, Greece 1914 28
....Elias Goranitis Piree 1902 25
15. Elias Goranitis Levatsova, Greece 1915 39
16. Epaminouda Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1908 22
.....George Goranitis Levitsova, Greece 1914 37
19. George Goranitis Alabei, Greece 1909 42
20. George Goranitis Sparta 1901 38
......James Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1910 15
23. John Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1914 17
24. Michael Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1911 21
25. Michel G. Goranitis Sevetsova 1902 11
26. Nick Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1910 44
27. Nicola Goranitis Sevetove, Greece 1916 17
28. Nicolaos Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1911 21
29. Nicolas Goranitis Levetsova 1905 36
31. Nicolas Goranitis Pirie 1903 27
32. Nicolas Goranitis Piree 1902 24
34. Nikolaos Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1921 27
35. Nikolas Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1921 47
36. Pan Goranitis Pirie 1903 30
37. Panagiotis Goranitis Sparta 1899 22
38. Panagiotis Goranitis Sparty 1907 19
41. Savantis Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1909 17
42. Spiros Goranitis Levatsova, Greece 1920 43
43. Spyros Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1911 34
1. Andonios Goranitis Piree 1902 20
2. Apostolo Goranitis Levetsovo, Greece 1914 31
3. Apostolo Goranitis Piree 1901 17
4. Apostolos Goranitis Levetzova, Greece 1909 29
5. Constantin Goranitis 1906 19
9. Demetrios Goranitis Levetsovo, Greece 1914 28
.....Elias Goranitis Piree 1902 25
15. Elias Goranitis Levatsova, Greece 1915 39
16. Epaminouda Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1908 22
17. Geoeyes Goranitis Sparta 1900 33
18. George Goranitis Levitsova, Greece 1914 37
19. George Goranitis Alabei, Greece 1909 42
20. George Goranitis Sparta 1901 38
...... James Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1910 15
23. John Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1914 17
24. Michael Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1911 21
25. Michel G. Goranitis Sevetsova 1902 11
26. Nick Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1910 44
28. Nicolaos Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1911 21
29. Nicolas Goranitis Levetsova 1905 36
34. Nikolaos Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1921 27
35. Nikolas Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1921 47
36. Pan Goranitis Pirie 1903 30
37. Panagiotis Goranitis Sparta 1899 22
38. Panagiotis Goranitis Sparty 1907 19
41. Savantis Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1909 17
42. Spiros Goranitis Levatsova, Greece 1920 43
43. Spyros Goranitis Levetsova, Greece 1911 34
......Nicol Gouranitis Piree 1904 38
......Georgios Garanitis Levetsna, Greece 1911 33
4. Nicolaos Garanitis Greece 1900 30
5. Nicolaos Garanitis Levetsova, Greece
....Demosthene Goranites Sparta 1902 11
2. John Goranites Levetsova, Greece 1912 18
3. Nicholaos Goranites Levetsova, Greece 1911 42
4. Panagivta Goranites Sparta 1902 23
1. Georgia Garanita    Levetzova, Greece    1910  15 (misspell for Goraniti )


H - Hios - Χίος
5. Elias Hios  Levetsova, Greece    1912  17
See here

H - Hiotis - Χιώτης
See here



I - IATRIDIS - Ιατρίδης
4. Ilias Iatridis Levetsova, Greece 1921 50
3. Demetre Iatrides Dafni, Greece 1920 27
4. Panayotis Iatrides Dafni, Greece 1912 46

4. Constantinos Yatridis 1893 27
1. Constantin Jatrides    Sevetsova    1902  24 



K -KAKAS - Κάκας
1. . aos Kakas Levetsovo, Greece 1914 37
3. Anastasios Kakas Strigleika, Greece 1914 18
69. Konstantino Kakas Levetzona, Greece 1914 32
.... Panagiotis Kakas Levetsova 1907 20
3. Demidrion Cacas Sparta 1898 25
8. Panagiotis Cacas Levetsova, Greece 1913 42

K- KALOGERAKOS - Καλογεράκος
6. Christo Kalogerakos Levetsora, Greece 1914 17
18. Kyriakos Kalogerakos Levetsova 1907 19
24. Panagiotes Kalogerakos Levetsova, Greece 1911 24
5. Eleni Calogeracos Levetsova, Greece 1914 32
9. Nicoletta Calogeracos Levetsova, Greece 1914 7

K- KANAKAKOS - Κανακάκος
1. George Kanacakos    Levetzova, Greece    1910  60
1. Georgia Kanacakou    Levetzova, Greece    1910  50


K- KAPASKELIS - Καπασκέλης
1. Demetrios Kapaskelis Kapaskelis 1906 16
1. Stavrenla Kapaskeli Levetsova, Greece 1912 25
2. Stavrula Kapaskeli Levetzova, Greece 1910 24
1. Const Capaskelis Piree 1900 33

K- KARATZALIS - Καράντζαλης
1. Alexandros Karatzalis Levetsova, Greece 1920 35
3. Constantinos Karatzalis Levetsova, Greece 1912 19
4. Constantinos Karatzalis Levetsava, Greece 1912 18
8. Larentos Karatzalis Levetsova, Greece 1912 17
9. Pan Karatzalis Piree 1903 11

1. Euthimios Karatzales Levetzova, Greece 1910 17

2. Dimitria Karantzali Levetsovon, Greece 1921 16
7. Panayiotis Karantzalis Levetsova, Greece 1920 23

1. Elias Karazalis Pire 1899 24
. Nicolaos Karazalis Levetsova, Greece 1911 25

7. Milia Carantzali Greece, Levetsova 1915 0
8. Nicholas Carantzalis Levetso, Greece 1920 33
9. Nicolaos Carantzalis Greece, Levetsova 1915 29
10. Stavroula Carantzali Greece, Levetsova 1915 19

1. Agissilaos Caratzalis NY, US 1921 44
2. Dimitrios Caratzalis Lovetsoron, Greece 1914 35
5. George Caratzalis Levetrova 1914 27
6. Georgios Caratzalis Arvetsovan, Greece 1913 48
7. Nicolas Caratzalis Levetsoro, Greece 1914 43
8. Pantoleon Caratzalis Lachedemm, Greece 1907 30
10. Vassilios Caratzalis Levetseva, Greece 1921 47

K - KARGAKOS - Καργάκος
1. Basilo Kargakos Sparta 1903 12
12. Sarandos Kargakos LePiree 1906 27
15. Yorgos Kargakos Piree 1902 42

K - KAROUMBAS - Καρούμπας
2. George Karoumbas Levetsova, Greece 1910 17
3. Nicolaos Karoumbas Sparta 1904 17

K - KASIMATIS - Κασιμάτης
11. Jean Kasimatis Piree 1903 24
1. John Kassimates Levetsova, Greece    1910  40
2. Pericles Kassimates Levetsova, Greece    1912  23

K - KATSIANIS - Κατσιάνης
2. George Katsianis Piree, Greece 1907 24
3. Georges Katsianis Piree 1902 27
4. Jean Katsianis Pirce 1902 20
5. Paraskevas Katsianis Sevetsova, Greece 1907 16
6. Psravas Katsianis 1907

K- KATSETOS - Κατσέτος
1. Antonios Katsetos Greece 1900 25
2. Christos Katsetos Georgitsion, Greece 1907 18
3. George Katsetos Levetspva, Greece 1911 30
4. Leonidas Katsetos Sparta, Greece 1907 15
5. Michel Katsetos Piree 1904 25
....Anastassios Katsetas Levetsova 1905 11
2. Dimitrios Katsetas Levetsova, Greece 1920 35
3. Yoanis Katsetas Greece 1900 11
....Anastassios Catsetos Levetsova, Greece 1914 26
2. George Catsetos Leretsorru, Greece 1914 34
3. Georges Catsetos Levetsova, Greece 1907 27
4. Pavlos Catsetos Piree 1900 30
....Vassilios Katselos Hevalsova, Greece 1908 29
....Panay Katselas Piree 1902 17
2. Georges Catselos  Pirie  1901  21
1. Christ Flatzetos    Levetsova, Greece    1910  28  (misspell for Katsetos?)


K - KILAKOS - Κοιλάκος
2. Nicolas Kilacos Lacedemone 1899 25

K-KLONIS - Κλώνης
10. Dimit. Klonis Piree 1902 18
11. Dimitrios Klonis US 1907 30
12. Elias Klonis Levetsova, Greece 1911 22
19. Joannis Klonis Levetsova, Sparta 1911 26
29. Michele Klonis Levetsova, Greece 1909 18
30. Panayotis Klonis Levetsova, Greece 1912 17
2. Demitrios Klones Levetsova, Greece 1911 19
7. Dimitrios Clonis Levetsoa 1898 17
9. Dimitrios Clonis Lavetsova, Greece 1915 38
10. Georges Clonis Pirie, Greece 1905 30

K- KOKKINAKOS - Κοκκινάκος
2. Athanasios Kokinakos Sparta, Greece 1911 14

Κ- ΚΟΛΙΑΣ - Κόλιας
8. Andreas Kolias Piree 1900 11

K - KOLOVOS - Κολοβός
1. Anast. Kolovos Piree 1903 25
2. Anastassios Kolovos Paleovraha 1910 29
3. Andreas Kolovos Piree 1902 20

K - KOKOLIS - Κοκόλης
8. Dimetrios Kokolis Piree 1903 30

K- KONTAKOS - Κοντάκος
2. Georghios Kontakos Levitsova, Greece 1916 32
3. Nicholaos Kontakos Levetsova, Greece 1911 21
4. Nicholaos Kontakos Levetsova, Greece 1911 28
5. Panagiotis Kontakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 15
6. Panagiotis Kontakos Pilala, Greece 1909 19
7. Srantis Kontakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 43
1. Demitrio Contakos Piree 1906 23
2. George Contakos Levetsova, Greece 1911 42
....Afrodite Contacos Levetsova, Greece 1922 22
2. Dimitrios Contacos Sparta, Greece 1907 24

K- KONTOGIANNIS - Κοντογιάννης
13. Elias Kontogiannis Levetrova, Greece 1908 40
2. Charilaos Kontogianis Levitsova, Greece 1920 43
47. Georgios Ψ Levetsova, Greece 1915 46
20. Stavros Contogianis Levetsova, Greece 1907 18

K-KOURTIS - Κούρτης
6. Aristidis Kourtis Levetsova, Greece 1920 28
28. Fotini Kourtis Lovetsova, Greece 1922 55
60. Panayotis Kourtis Levetsova, Greece 1920 8
78. Vassilios Kourtis Levetsova, Greece 1920 64
24. Constantinos Courtis Levetsova, Greek 1911 36
86. Vassilios Courtis Levetsora, Greece 1914 58
............................................search on Curtis returns 3606 records



L - LAMBRINAKOS - Λαμπρινάκος
1. Joannis Lambrinakos Sparta 1904 25
2. John Lambrinakos Sparta, Sparta 1910 38
10. Stylianos Lambrinakos Lakonia, Greece 1920 27

L - LAHANAS - Λαχανάς
11. Demetrios Lahanas    Levetsova, Greece    1910  24

L- LEKAS - Λέκας
148. Paraskevas Lekas Levetrova, Greece 1908 54
149. Paraskevas Lekas Lovetsova, Greece 1916 2

L- LIAKAKOS - Λιακάκος
2. Aristidis Liakakos Leretsora, Greece 1917 25
6. Demit. Liakakos Piree 1903 28
8. Eftratios Liakakos Piree 1902 24
18. Nicolaos Liakakos Levetsona, Greece 1914 37
22. Nicolas Liakakos Piree 1902
25. Pan Liakakos Le Piree 1903 40
27. Stratios Liakakos Piree 1901 25
30. Sotirios Liacacos Lacedemonia 1900 11

L- LINTZERIS - Λιντζέρης
1. Georges Lintzeris Leretsova, Greece 1915 35
2. Mihayl Lintzeris Levetsova, Greece 1921 15
4. Nicolaos Lintzeris Levetsova, Greece 1921 39
5. Nicolas Lintzeris Easton, Pa. 1924 40
1. Georgios Lentzeris Catsouleica, Greece 1914 18
2. Michael Lentzeris Levetsova, Greece

L - LIOUNIS - Λιούνης
1. A. Georges Liounis Sparta 1900 24
1. Constantinos Liounes Jarapsa, Greece 1910 21



N - MANDELOS - Μαντέλος
1. Christos Mandelos Garantza, Greece 1910 39

M - MARAFATSOS - Μαραφάτσος
1. Iraklis Marafatsos Levetsova, Greece 1920 43

M- MERIANOS - Μέριανος
....Vasilio Meriamos Pireo 1906 20
....Constantinos Merianos 1896 30
3. Constantinos Merianos Levetsova, Greece 1920 26
5. Helias Merianos Levetsoua, Greece 1911 20
6. Nicolaos Merianos Piree 1900 32
7. Nicolesos Merianos 1896 25
1. Constantin Mergenos Sparta 1898 32
2. Georges Mergenos Sparta 1903 9
3. Nicholaos Mergenos Greece 1908 38
3. Panagiotis Merganos Sparta 1901 23

M - MICHALAKOS - Μηχαλακάκος
1. Costantino Michalakos Sparta 1902 19
11. Panajotis Michalacos Sparta 1899 18

M- MITRAKOS - Μητράκος
......Efstratios Chelas or Mitrakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 27



N- NIKOLOUDIS - Νικολούδης
1. Constantinos Nikoloudis Levetsova, Greece 1920 40

3. Constantinos Nicoloudis Levetsova, Greece 1911 29
4. Dimitrios Nicoloudis Pviee 1899 23
5. Georges Nicoloudis Levetsova 1906 28
1. George Nicoludes    Levetsova, Greece    1910  33

3. John Nicoloudes Leretrova (Sparta) 1906 30



P- PANAGAKIS - Παναγάκης
38. Eugenia Panagakis Levetsova 1906 17
40. Evangelos Panagakis Piree 1900 11
85. Yoanis Panagakis Piree 1899 19

P-PANAGAKOS - Παναγάκος
.....Apostolos Panagakos Piree 1901 20
.....Demetrios Panagakos Levetsora, Greece 1912 28
26. Elias Panagakos Piree 1904 19
27. Elias Panagakos Piree 1904 19
29. Elias Panagakos Leretsora, Greece 1909 28
31. Fotis Panagakos Piree 1901 29
......Georgios Panagakos Levetsova, Greece 1911 37
37. Georgios Panagakos Gorani, Greece 1916 65
39. Geroges Panagakos Pirie 1902 32
47. Jean Panagakos Piree 1899 15
48. Jlias Panagakos 1896 22
57. Nicol Panagakos Pirce 1902 25
61. Nicolaos Panagakos Piree 1904 19
62. Nicolaos Panagakos Piree 1904 19
63. Nicoloas Panagakos Milos, Greece 1920 65
64. Pan Panagakos Pirce 1902 20
65. Panagiotes Panagakos Kalyvia, Greece 1909 16
..... Perik Panagakos Levetsova, Greece 1908 19
13. Athanassios Panagacos Levetsova, Greece 1920 36
25. Demetrios Panagacos Levetsova, Greece 1920 37

P- PANTELEAKIS - Παντελεάκης
1. Aristides Panteleakis Levetsova, Greece 1912 19
2. Constantinos Panteleakia Levetsova, Greece 1924 32
3. Demetrios Panteleakis Levetsova, Greece 1920 36
4. Demetrios Panteleakis Levetsova, Sparti 1908 25
6. Demetrius Panteleakis Levetseva, Greece 1911 11
7. Dimitrios Panteleakis Levetsova, Greece 1921 26
8. Elias Panteleakis Levetrova, Greece 1908 17
9. Elisabet Panteleaki Levetsovon, Greece 1916 19
10. Georges Panteleakis Sevetrova, Greece 1914 25
11. John Panteleaki Laconia, Greece 1920 10
13. Marigo Panteleaki Laconia, Greece 1920 45
14. Nicholaos Panteleakis Dallas, Tex, U. S. A. 1912 20
17. Panagiotis Panteleakis Sparti, Greece 1914 38
18. Sarantos Panteleakis Levetsova, Greece 1916 16
19. Sconidas Panteleakis Sparta, Sparta, Greece 1911 19
20. Stavroula Panteleaki Laconia, Greece 1920 7

P - PAPADAKOS - Παππαδάκος
2. Christos Papadakos Pire'e 1902 20
20. George Papadacos Pilala, Greece 1909 30
3. Caliopi Papadakos Sparta 1906 20
4. Christos Papadakos 1896 30
5. Christos Papadakos Piree 1902 22
6. Christos Papadakos Piree 1905 25
1. John Papathakos Sparta, Greece 1914 28

P - PAPATHEODORAKOS - Παπαθεοδωράκος
26. Constantinos Papatheodorakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 18
62. Georgios Papatheodoracos Levetsna, Greece 1911 18
67. Georgitsa Papatheodoracou Levetsova, Greece 1913 28
112. Panagiota Papatheodorakou Levetsova, Greece 1921 23
129. Petros Papatheodorakos Levetsova 1906 30
130. Petros Papatheodorakou Levetsova, Greece 1921 35
2. Georges Papatheodorakos  Piree 1902 17

P - PARTHIMOS - Παρθήμος
1. Andreas Parthimos Pire 1899 18
2. Constantine Parthimos Levetzova, Greece 1909 16
8. Ligourgos Parthimos Piree 1903 18
9. Nicolaos Parthimos Levetsona, Greece 1911 20

1. Panagiotis Parthemas Levetsova, Greece 1915 35

1. Dimitrios Partimos Levetsova, Greece 1915 48
2. Konstantins Partimos Greece 1902 32
3. Nicol Partimos Piree 1904 11

1. Costantinos Partinos Levetzovon, Greece 1921 50
2. J. Partinos 1922 20
3. Pavlos Partinos Piree 1902 35
4. Spyros Partinos Levetzovon, Greece 1921 13

P- PAVLAKOS - Παυλάκος
......Demetrios Pavlakos Levetzova, Greece 1910 11
......Nicholaos Pavlakos Levetsora, Greece 1910 30
18. Pavlos Pavlakos Levetsova, Greece 1911 18
19. Pavlos Pavlakos Levetsova, Greece 1911 18

P- PILALAS - Πηλάλας
1. Catina Pilalas    Sparta    1906  19 
3. Eleftheria Pilalas    Levetsora, Greece    1910  35 
4. George Pilalas    Sparta    1906  34 
6. Miltiades Pilalas    New York (City)    1923  27 
7. Miltiades Pilalas    New York City    1919  22 
9. Politimi Pilalas    Sparta    1906  9 

P- PIRIALAS - Πυριάλας
1. Stavros Pirialas Ithaca, NY 1920 27

P- POULAKOS - Πουλάκος
.....Apost. Poulakos Piree 1903 19
7. Constantinos Poulakos Levetsova 1906 40
6. Demitri Poulacos    Piree, Greece    1921  39 
7. Dimitrios Poulacos    Sevetsova, Greece    1907  38
9. George Poulacos        1921  32 
23. Theodoros Poulacos    Levetyava, Greece    1910  18 


P- POULIMENAKOS - Πουλιμενάκος
16. Nicholaos Poulimenakos Levetsova, Laconias 1911 20
11. Nicolaos Polimenakos Levitsova, Greece 1920 35


R - ROZAKOS - Ροζάκος
2. Panagiotis Rozakos Sparta 1903 35
2. Kyriacos G. Rozacos Sevetsova 1902


S - SAGOS - Σάγκος
14. Nicolaos Sagos Levetseva, Greece 1912 19
18. Panagiotis Sagos Levetzova, Greece 1914 36
19. Panayotis Sagos Levetseva, Greece 1912 32

S - SARANTAKOS - Σαραντάκος
5. Constantinos Sarantakos Levetzona, Greece 1914 11
13. George Sarantakos Levetzona, Greece 1914 37
27. Poulikos Sarantakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 42
28. Spiros Sarantakos Piree 1903 25

S- SEREMETIS - Σερεμέτης
14. Nickolaos Seremetis Leretsona, Greece 1915 10
19. Vassilios Seremetis Alaipie, Greece 1914 41
20. Vassilios Seremetis Levetsova, Greece 1920 47
21. Zanetos Seremetis Greece, Levetsova 1912 19

S- SKEVOS - Σκέυος
1. Athanassios Skevos Levetsova, Greece 1920 33
5. Panayotis Skevos Levetsova, Greece 1912 19
7. Sarantos Skevos Levetseva, Greece 1912 18

S - STAMATAKOS - Σταματάκος
2. Anatacios Stamatakos Piree 1902 20
6. Basilios Stamatakos 1894 35
7. Const. Stamatakos Piree 1902 10
8. Const. P. Stamatakos 1902 16
9. Constantin Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1909 12
10. Constantin Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1909 15
12. Constantinos Stamatakos Levitsova, Greece 1920 34
19. Eft Stamatakos Piree 1902 40
20. Eftmin Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1908 45
21. Elias Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 18
22. Elias Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1911 17
26. Georges Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1908 18
33. Ioannis Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 29
41. Menelaos Stamatakos Piree 1902 18
42. Mickel Stamatakos Piree 1903 37
43. Nic Stamatakos Sevetsova, Greece 1908 32
51. Nicolas Stamatakos Piree 1902 27
52. Nicolas Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 28
53. Nicolas Stamatakos Pyrus 1904 18
54. Nicolaus Stamatakos 1897 19
55. Nikolaos Stamatakos Skoura, Greece 1921 44
56. Nikolaos Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 32
57. Panagiotis Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1915 25
58. Panagiotis Stamatakos 1902 31
59. Panagiotis Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1909 14
61. Panagiotis Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1908 28
62. Panagistis Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1919 30
64. Panayiotis Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 41
65. Panayotis Stamatakos Piree 1904 23
66. Panayotis Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 20
67. Stavros Stamatakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 21
70. Vasilios Stamatakos Piree 1899 20
71. Vassilios Stamatakos Levetseva, Greece 1912 33
7. ..Demetrius Stamatacos Sevetsova 1902 17
8. ..Dimitrios Stamatacos Levitsna, Greece 1911 19
20. Nicolaos Stamatacos Levetsova, Greece 1916 18
21. Nicolas Stamatacos Sparta 1903 11
23. Panagiotis Stamatacos Greek 1903 17
25. Panagiotis Stamatacos Levetsova, Greece 1915 25
31. Stavros Stamatacos Levetsova 1903 11
32. Stratos Stamatacos Levetsova, Greece 1908 40

S - STRILAKOS - Στριλάκος
1. Georges Strilakos Levetsova 1906 33
2. Nicola Strilakos Sparta 1904 18
3. Nicolaos Strilakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 33
1. Nicolas Sterlakos    Levetsova, Greece    1910  23 

S - STRATAKOS - Στρατάκος
7.. Demetrios Stratakos Dafni, Greece 1909 30
9.. Efstratios Stratakos Goronous, Greece
17. Leonidas Stratakos Sparta 1902 27
18. Louis Stratakos Gorani, Greece 1909 29
19. Marigo Stratakos Pireo, Greece 1907 40
32. Stavros Stratacos Piree 1900

S- STRATAKIS - Στρατάκης
8. Cristos Stratakis Spati 1907 19
13. Elias Stratakis Tarapsa, Greece 1909 4
26. Leonidas Stratakis Spartis 1906 20
36. Nicolas Stratakis Tarapsa, Greece 1909 7
39. Stavros Stratakis Tarapsa, Greece 1909 10

S - STRATIGAKOS - Στρατηγάκος
1. Alexandros Stratigakos Sparta 1901 29
2. Antonios Stratigakos Levatsova, Greece 1908 22
3. Demetrio Stratigakos Greek 1903 17
4. Dimitroula Stratigakou Levetrova, Greece 1912 19
8. Marios Stratigakon Levopora, Greece 1908 24
9. Nikitas Stratigakos Levetrova, Greece 1912 20
10. Stratigo Stratigakon Sparte, Greece 1907 22
5. Georges Stratigacos Piree 1899 40

S- SOURTZIS - Σουρτζής
5. Dionyssios Sourtzis Levetsova, Greece 1920 39
1. Petros Sourdzis Piree 1902 19
1. Teodoros Surtzis Pireo, Pireo 1906 35



T- THEODORAKOS - Θεοδωράκος
7. Andreas Theodorakos Levetsova, Greece 1911 24
8. Andreas Theodorakos Levetrova (Sparta) 1906 20
12. Apostolos Theodorakos Levetsova, Greece 1924 39
13. Apostolos Theodorakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 13
25. Demetrios Theodorakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 33
33. Eleni Theodorakou Levetroua, Greece 1916 20
37. Eraclis Theodorakos Levetspva, Greece 1911 32
39. George Theodorakos Levetsora, Greece 1911 26
43. Georghios Theodorakos Levetsora, Greece 1915 35
44. Georgios Theodorakos Sevetsora, Greece 1914 33

49. Demetrios Theodoracos Levetsova, Greece 1920 33
53. Demitrio Theodoracos Sevestsava, Gythia 1908 18
70. Eraklis Theodoracos Levotsova, Greece 1915 38

T- THIAMEGOS - Θιαμέγκος
1. Georgia Hiamegu Levetzova, Greece 1910 15 (misspel for Thiamegu)
2. Stassini Hiamegu Levetzova, Greece 1910 35 (misspel for Thiamegu)
1. Christos D. Thiamegos Greece 1902 10

T- THOMAKOS - Θωμάκος
9. Ilias Thomakos Levetsov., Greece 1921 26
10. Leon Thomakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 30
11. Louis Thomakos Levetsova 1906 21
......Vassilios Thomakos Levetsova, Greece 1920 24



V- VAMVAKITIS - Βαμβακίτης ( also see Babakitis)
6. Leonidas Vamvakitis Levetsova, Greece 1914 40
7. Louis Vamvakitis 1920 40
8. Nicolas Vamvakitis Levetsova, Spartis 1908 34
9. Nikolaos Vamvakitis Lavetsova, Greece 1920 48
10. Panajotta Vamvakitis Sparta 1898 11
11. Petros Vamvakitis Sparta 1898 11
12. Vasilios Vamvakitis Sparti, Greece 1914 34
13. Yaunoula Vamvakitis Sparta 1898 35

V - VARIAKTARIS - Βαριακτάρης
(See Bariaktaris)

V - VASILAKOS - Βασιλάκος
10. Georg Vasilakos 1906 25

V - VERGIRIS - Βεργυρής
1. Kiriakoulis Vergiris Dafni, Greece 1921 43



X - XARHOULAKOS - Ξαρχουλάκος
1. Theodoros Xarchulacos Levetsova, Greece 1920 31
1. Demetrius Xarkoulakos 1906 0



Dear Krokeans, Krokeates, Levetsovites, Friends,
The list of names above contains many (we hope most?) of the names of the early Immigrants who came to the United States from Krokees (or Levetsova or Krokeai Laconia Hellas / Greece) through Ellis Island and the Port of New York between 1892 and 1924.
All names listed below were found in "Passenger Search" of Ellis Island on-line. This database contains records from the original ship passenger lists. http://www.ellisisland.org/search/passSearch.asp?

Although we have searched thousands of records using many different name spelling combinations, we are certain that we have missed finding the records of many Krokeates / Levetsovites who immigrated during the 1892-1924 period. If a relative(s) of yours is not included in this list, here are some of the reasons why.

a) Incorrect Name Spelling. As most passengers could not write their name in English, most likely their name was spelled the way it sounded to the person who wrote it down. Female last names are spelled differently than male. For example, Katsetos=Male while Katsetou=Female. We have done minimum searching on female last names.
Also, there are many letters in both the Greek and English alphabet that have the same sound. The letter "C" for instance is often used instead of the letter "K" and the letter "E" instead of the letter "I" and vise versa.
b)Penmanship. Example: Lower case " T" could be read as lower case "L" by the person who did the transfer of the record.
c) Incorrect Place of Origin. Many records of Krokean Immigrants show "Piree" or variations of the spelling of this word, or Sparta as place of origin instead of Levetsova. For this reason we have included some of those records in our list. Piree is a location northwest of the nearby town Dafni. In the early1900s there was (in Piree) a small complex of several homes. This complex may have been used as a traveler's junction (Hani), gathering station/ location for all the immigrants of the area. It is possible the immigration agents (middle man) marked this starting location in their documents and the ships personnel in turn copied over their documents to the ship's list "Manifesto". Some have listed "Pilala" or " Strigleika" (town neighborhoods) as place of origin while for others there is no place of origin mentioned.
d) The name was copied incorrectly from the document because of difficult to read Penmanship, Document / Ink fading or due to fatigue of the person doing the transfer of the record.
e) Document aging and Ink fading.

We strongly urge you to visit the "Ellis Island Foundation" web site ( http://www.ellisisland.org ) and search on your own ancestors. In most cases there is more information to be discovered, like gender and marriage status of the passenger, a photo of the ship, an actual photo of the ships passenger list and more. You will be asked to register in order to use the site, but you are not required to become a member in order to use the "Passenger Search" option. (You won't receive junk mail either). If you happen to locate the record(s) of your ancestor(s), we would appreciate letting us know so we may add them to our list.
Dimitri Katsetos
Krokeai Society
Updated last January 2010



Explanation: 1. George Agathakos Levetsova, Greece 1910 18
=the number in search result list for this exact spelling of the last name
First name
Last name
Year of arrival
Age of individual